Monday, July 20, 2009

To Do...To Enjoy...Hopefully

So here's my list. I'm going all "Rorie Gilmore" inside so I needed this, my list of aspirations, to be completed by who knows when.

1. Paint more, find a few signatures things to paint/sell-worthy, post paintings on blog and Etsy.
2. Do more calligraphy and make a book of different fonts.
3. Get a business card for painting and/or calligraphy (wedding invitations).
4. Set up a booth for both who knows where...Ross Bridge Fresh Market?
5. Write more- I am currently working towards a series of memoires to be called "Out of the Boonies." (all about getting lost...and finding something along the way)So who's gonna read this? Who knows...

Wait, I'm a teacher, so doesn't this all go away starting August 18th? I don't want it to...

As you can see my thoughts are jumbled, so I'll just post some of my recent paintings below, mainly so I can at least get started on the list.


Christen Sloderbeck said...

#5--Laughed out loud...I will read your anecdotes about getting lost for sheer amusement but never for advice on how not to be lost!! ;)

Lindsey Williamson said...

good for you! when you open an etsy shop, post a link or something so i can go shop :)

A Christmas Carol

What do I laugh at most during my work day?