Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It's been a long time since I used that word. What do I mean? you ask: Calvin Klein? Substance Abuse? Football? (only in Alabama)
Two words: Stephenie Meyer
Two more words: Twilight Series

I'm usually late on trends and such. I never read Harry Potter. I never finished Redeeming Love (Francine Rivers). But I am obsessed with Twilight. And the closest I can compare it to is my past obsession with Titanic (or mabye it was Leo since I was 14 at the time. Number of times I saw Titanic in the theater: five. Number of times I've seen Twilight: twice, both in the same day...and it's not over yet.

The perplexity concerning this current obsession is: why? why am I obsessed with a book series and a movie full of teenage angst and true love? I'm freaking 25 years old, so doesn't obsession get old? Apparently not, and for that I'm glad. I think the most perplexing thing about this situation is that I actually stopped to ask why? and that assures me that my analytical pessimism still lingers.

The upside of this obsession is that it fuels itself through following:
1)the healthy habit of reading
2)new music

While being an English teacher, I have a horrible short-term memory and poor inference skills. For example, I can't remember major plot elements and get confused easily when several events happen at once. But I "get" characters like the back of my hand. Speaking of characters, Meyer has an entire playlist of songs from each character's perspective. (Bella, Edward, and even Jacob).


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